Thursday, October 18, 2012


On my morning walk this tall tree had fallen across the path.  The tree  sat back from  the path 5 or 6 yards.   Therefore, there was a passage way through its branches at the tip where the tree had fallen.  As I walked through its fallen foliage, my mind immediately went to the reason for its fall.  Spirit began to tell me that this tree did not bend or give in the midst of the storm and strong winds that had blown the night before.  

Therefore the tree snapped at the place where the trunk grew up about 2 feet from the ground.  The roots of the tree were still deeply implanted but the tree had snapped like a twig because it had grown up straight and tall having no flexibility.

Spirit showed me how we, although our root system is strong and we have grown tall and strengthened even becoming fruitful, how that many of us are so rigid and unbending in our own self will, ego and traditions that we have  spiritually snapped off, separating ourselves from the Root. 

Therefore, we get to a certain point of growth and become straight and strong in our beliefs thinking that our way is the way and the only way.  When the real storms of life comes and the Mighty Winds of Spirit began to blow on us, to bring us enlightenment and into truths that will aid us in seeing others as the Creator sees them, from a higher realm, we do not give.  We hang on to doctrines and the traditions that we know, thinking what we may be hearing is not of the Creator; thinking that those of whom have been sent to help us in our transition to the higher way of spiritual culpability and pliability are bringing some strange new doctrine.  

This doctrine, we most often ascribe to others we have rejected and come against because we are so straight and unbending to what Spirit is attempting to depart to us. Therefore, we do not have the flexibility to receive ability or capacity to know that we must sway, accepting the force of the wind as it penetrates our soul.  What we thought was the way to stand firm is the very thing that will snap us leaving us without the foundation of the roots and ultimately destroy us.  We are then forced to be a haven for the beasts and crawling things that make their home in the earth’s soil.  We decay to become nutrients in the soil for others to grow and produce.

Many have returned to proclaiming a shift is coming but I tell you that the shifting has turned into shaking and now the shaking has turned into a turbulent blowing of the Mighty Wind of Spirit.  This Spiritual Wind Storm will snap those off who have ignored the shifting and rejected the shaking.

The Divine Creator says that "It is time to act.  The time of judgment of the House of  G-D (the Nations) is imminent.  Move now and there will be mercy.  Transition into True repentance and walk into the way of Christhood or be snapped.  My Mission will not be compromised by those who say that they are leaders of My people and they proclaim error, keeping My people in error.  Those whom IAM have called and those of whom IAM have chosen will be placed into their purpose and take their place in the Mission.  No one will thwart the  Mission.  Your coming and going will be directed by Me and the holy angels that IAM have sent forth to proclaim and help you through this transition and the things that are to come upon this earth.  Behold IAM have said it and I AM will stand by every decision that IAM have made.  All that IAM have said will come to pass.  You have came against My Sons , you  have come against Me but IAM will release a power and mandate so powerful that you will snap under the pressure of it, if you do not belong where you are.  IAM admonish all to come into your true purpose and stand firm within its boundaries.   You will not be harmed and the wind and storm that will hit this   Country will not only pass over you but you shall not feel the effects of it because you have been obedient to those of who IAM have sent to prepare you and direct you the right way.  Many are the words of those who are antichrist.  They are like pebbles making ripples in a pond.  My Sons will receive Truth and Revelation that will bring a storm and a great change in lives.  Those who receive will receive life those who deny and reject will be consumed in their own self purpose.  IAM will bless and IAM will destroy. There is a choice for all to make, choose wisely for you all have had the same opportunity to come into my care and protection.  Your words will not be able to save you.  You have spoken words of hurt and harm of disasters and negative events.  Know not that what you speak will come to pass?  Change your ways for I AM ready to bring you all into repentance and under My Shelter.  Allow Me to negate and bring to naught all the negative words that you have spoken, the wrongs you have initiated against your brothers.  I AM has always been here waiting to receive you waiting to lavish and fill you with my love.  Come My people be not as Korah in your wilderness.  IAM will save; IAM will restrain negative forces for My Loves sake upon your rebellions.  Come My people come into My Rest. 

This is the Word Spirit has given!
El  Ahora El Bey

Hotep Light One Love

El Ahora El Bey       

Intro To Numerology 
(Contains live links to messages of  associated numbers and description of their energies.)
Intro to Colorology in process with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support affirmations of 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of interpretations  of  esoteric and prophetic prose from the Divine Language into easily understood verbiage to broaden the scope of and quicken ones understanding . (click on photo or above link)

El Ahora is a published author who has written under the pseudonym   JEWELS PROPHET and Apostle Rubie James (The Watchman).  Review   and  purchase  her      e-Books and paperbacks at Amazon  or email the Author: or HLT you may also (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:

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  1. My God, My God.....I receive Papa......thank you for your confirmation and understanding, of these things that are. Bless you Apostle, in your obedience to speak the truth, and allowing Him to use you as a sacrified, purified vessel of service, for HIS Kingdom. In Him ALONE, Elizabeth K Fox

  2. Blessed are they who has been given Insight Royal Elizabeth Fox for they are from the Kingdom and to it they will return! When ever the Elect receives Truth and Revelation, I am always reminded of the time when Yahshua (Jesus) spoke to the multitudes in parables. The disciples (those who were to be Apostles) said unto him, "Why are you speaking to the people in parables?" Knowing that they did not receive let alone understand. The response was, "It it to you to know" the Mysteries of the Kingdom! I am therefore convinced that Truth and Revelation will be received by those who are the 'Called' are positioned to receive then speak releasing Truth and Revelation in its purity to others! Shalom Blessings Agape!

    1. I have only just RECEIVED this message this day. January 24, 2014...Oh thank you wise woman of the Almighty. Perfect timing, my head was sagging in the sadness of what I know and see, and from the brutality of those around me speaking against His will in my life....THANK YOU.....May God bless you mightily in your obedience....I RECEIVE....I RECEIVE....FROM MY KING OF GLORY.....YES AND AMEN...YES! YES! YES! MY PAPA, MY JESUS!!!!
